
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Episode 10! FTW

didn't want to bust your interets bubble during the cast, ssteffes is a friend from work, a cool friend, but not some random person that naturally found us interesting while looking for podcasts about siblings.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

In response

to what jokae said in the last thread

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It finally happened.

So we have discussed the decline of the gaming industry a couple times on the cast and off. We talked about game companies, the consuls and the gamers themselves. We have discussed stereotypes about gamers and how people view them. Well get ready to view them in a whole new light.

If you do not want to read the whole article here is the premise. For about $8 a gamer can log onto and pick a "hot" girl through various reviews and scoring from other gamers; on hotness, flirtatiousness and gamer ability. They then pick the girl they want and can play video games with them on line, they get like 10 min of game time for that price. The "service" supports 4 Xbox 360 games and some basic flash games, like checkers and battle ship.

I guess I bring this up because deep down I want it to be like an April fools joke. This is ridiculous. Is the gamer community that socially inept to have to resort to paying girls to play video games with them to have that experience. So the stereotype continues and when we are asked what our hobbies are, we drop are head and mumble paint-ball instead of what we really like to do.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The random awsome

Writing a story is hard. Writing a good story is almost impossible. Writing characters and the events in their lives in an engaging way then, must be some kind of miracle. They say that the best kind of writing is the kind that can draw an emotional response from the reader. How difficult must it be then, to do the same with movies, and ever harder still to do it on a kids TV show. While attending early morning seminary I was the first to wake up in the morning. Beast-wars was on right before Gargoyles, and I'll admit that while fun I didn't give it the credit that was do to it, until Code of Hero. At this point Dinobot wasn't just a a character in a TV show. Dinobot was a person, he had a personality, he had flaws, he felt anger, loss, remorse. He had a soul. I've never been able to impart that much life to anything.
Opining with Dinobot contemplating suicide for previous actions was not something to take lightly, it wasn't the first time that Dinobot portrayed his honor bound samurai-esq lifestyle, but it was the most extreme and character defining moment of his life. Resolved to correct the mistake and restore his honor he defeats a band of predicons and saves the proto-humans living in the valley they were attacking, alone. Badly damaged and running low on power he faces off against Megatron and with his last ounce of power destroys a golden disk that would have given Megatron the power to change the future and win the Beast-wars. The Maximals arrive and chase Megatron off but it's too late for Dinobot, his last words are haunting, noble, and strangely moving. Honoring their fallen comrade by flying in a missing man formation the Maximals disintegrate his body as his spark joins the matrix. It's still not possible for me to watch this episode without tearing up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Episode 9, and then there were three

Sorry about Aria, (I should have just left)
Michael and Russell "mac'kd" the same girl, I wonder if she got fries with that.
we pretty much just shot the breeze...