
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Episode 12

New Contest!!

You know what to do. winner to be picked next cast.

slow week for posting

Wow seems like no one is posting now, well hope this gets the creative juices flowing again.

It always struck me as a little convenient that Legolas choked at the battle of Helms Deep. It's something that is indicative of bad writing. I mean to have the guy who can hit a moving goblin on a wrog at 500 yards with a bow miss a running goblin with a torch at 50 yards is just too much of a stretch for me. Thankfully there are not many instances of bad writing in LoTR.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My song choices

You're not alone - Saosin

Angels on the moon - Thriving Ivory

The Joker - Steve Miller Band

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Episode 11, Welcome back Russell

Get voting on songs people! And those that didn't submit get it done!

Its finally Tuesday!!!

Too bad I will not be there for the cast. Work and all. But here are my submissions for the two contests.
For our opening song I vote for "Falling for the first time" by the Barenakedladies.
For the Calvin and Hobbs submission I submit.
Mrs. Wormwood: Calvin singing time is almost over.

Heres hoping I get the awesome prizes. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

random awsome

I hope this games doesn't suck. But I know it will, that's why I haven't posted anything about it yet, but after seeing the remix with the G1 soundtrack I just had to.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Kai won't play soccer.

Pay close attention to what happens at 1 minute. I think it's the funniest thing that I've ever seen.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Frank Cho (remember Liberty Meadows)

random awsome

The oldest thing I can hear myself saying is "Back on dial-up". The wonderful thing about technology is that we advance with it so fast, it's also the worst thing. I'm not sure if everyone had a set, but i remember when we had an entire set of encyclopedias, I also remember our first Microsoft "Encarta" disk which made those books worthless. Now we can have any information we want with just a few keystrokes, and it's a shame that almost no one realizes it.

Another Contest

Time to see who can come up with the funniest Calvin
and Hobbes strip. Add your words or what ever to the
strip above. The winner will be picked on the 13th
 of April and another sweet prize will be given. Good luck!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hey everyone (Hosts and listener). We are going to have our first contest! Its the select our Opening Theme Song Contest. So hosts bring your song choice to Tuesdays cast and listeners can put a comment here and we will play the songs and choose our favorite. The winner will receive a very cool prize. Good Luck.