
Sunday, February 28, 2010

praiseworthy, or of good report

From the director of "The Nightmare Before Christmas," Henry Selick

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The random awsome

Guess this means I used up my post for the week. Orcana of Time routinely makes #1 on lots of peoples top ten lists of favorite video games, and it deserves to be there. Some one once said that stories we tell today will one day become the "Hercules" and "Beowulf" of the future. I can't speak for everyone but it brings a smile to my face to think that 100 years from now 12th grade English students will be reading "The legend of the hero of time" or what ever they are gonna end up calling it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Square Enix has always produced great looking games with dynamic game play that immerses you into the game. They have however always been lacking in the voice over aspect of their game. FF XIII will be epic.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Episode 8, Should have taken that left at Albuquerque

So apparently we should coordinate better
Olymp.. awh who cares
Vide-ro Games

The random awsome

Wakening up the the realization that you are a grown up is a sobering moment in ones existence, I'm told. Looking back I don't feel older or even more mature. Oh and you can add this to your little text thing.

SIME = something in my eye

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Dude's Guide to Chatting

It's official, LOL is for girls, thats right, 14 year old-Twilight Reading-Slumber Party Throwing girls.
Dudes need chat lingo, we don't LOL or have BFF's. If we must text(it is unavoidable) then we need our own testosterone laden lexicon of lingo!
My first submission:
GOL= Guffaw out Loud, when something funny takes you by surprise
MOL= Muttley out Loud, when your scheming or plotting
NOL= Nelson out Loud (not ha ha), when your making fun of someone
PFFT= spitting beverage of choice, possibly through the nose(harder to find a video than I thought)
CKII= Can't Keep It In, or can't hold a straight face (changed video)
B= Bro, instead of BFF

It's a start

GfOL= Gandolfing, laughs merrily kinda like a grandpa laugh
LUB= Laughing Under Breath

The random awsome

More new trilogy hate from me today. What happened to R2 and 3P0 in the new trilogy really makes me mad, 'specially 3PO, if Anikin is building him to help out his mom he is a special kind of stupid. It's a PROTOCOL droid. Something tells me that Mrs. (or is it MS.) Skywalker doesn't take part in any kind of diplomatic relations on Tantooine where she is a SLAVE, so what the crap is she gonna use a protocol droid for? But what happens to R2 is the worst. The guy bears witness to the inside story of the rise of the empire, who the players were, what they did, who was to blame. Instead of giving him an awesome undercover mission to steal info and get it to the beginnings of the rebel alliance, shadow Princess Leia and report to Obi-wan about what she is doing they give him rocket boosters and have him fly around at the end of ep. 3.

No more porn.

So I just read that Apple removed all sexually oriented apps from the app store. The articles that followed were trying to convince us that we are headed to a communist society. The authors were furious that someone else was telling us what type of things we should and should not be allowed to view. I personally applaud Apple and am very impressed that they are taking this stand. We all know that sex sells and for a major company to forgo this area of sales is awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Way to go Apple, I'm very impressed." Thoughts?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Moving Sucks

All this moving stuff hurts my brain. I hate when people ask for help to move stuff and when you get there, there is nothing ready and not a single box ready to be moved. So I hope I dont ever do that to anyone. It is so annoying.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The random awsome

The cats almost killed me this morning trying to get me to go downstairs while both running around under my feet. It's funny how humans have some deep primal urge to keep and care for something that is so cute and playful and harmless, when in fact they really are little furry instruments of death and destruction.

Episode 7

Listen, sorry this got posted late.
Steven bought a house!
Mike is Graduating!
Russ has a Test!
Kevin has an opinion!
this weeks intervention: "Barry, stop cussing."
seriously Barry, stop cussing.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The random awsome

Sean Bean is an incredible talented and underused actor. He's just awsome.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The random awsome

I love the original trilogy. I love it so much that even the Special Editions don't really bother me. But The Battle of Endor really leaves something to be desired. Barry and I talked about it, and i don't understand why George didn't digitally add the thousands and thousands of Ewoks it would have taken to actually win the planet side battle, instead of that awful musical number in Jabbas palace.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

no, this is not Michaelangelo with swords...

Jake Parker

The random awsome

In accordance with our DnD last nite I thought this would be awesome.

Voltron! Whats Voltron Again?

For those of you that might actually remember this.

Monday, February 15, 2010

extra awsome

lucky you, you get a second post from me today

It's things like this that really make me love anime. When it comes to teasers and trailers I can get pretty starry eyed. Thank goodness I'm immune to optimistic objective thinking.

Digital Painting

The random awsome

Hey, Why so....nevermind

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Other Forms Of Entertainment

I guess I would have put more items on the poll list for forms of entertainment. Reading, hobby gaming, playing sports, painting, dancing. More of the arts aspect. Currently I think the world wants us all to lean on the media (TV, Movies, VG) for entertainment to sell product. Whats up with commercials at the beginning of movie previews now anyway? Hulu and commercials lame product placement in movies (Transformers). Current media teaches us how we should express ourselves and the Arts let us express ourselves as individuals not cookie cutter rejects you see walking in the mall everyday (if your there everyday I mean).

Rant done.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Learn from the masters

I think that the current trend in video games, i.e mature, violent space marine ultimate warfare, really does a disservice to an art form, yes i said art form, that I have followed and loved for almost 30 years now. While I'm all for diversity in games I wish we would move on from the current trend. I wish developers would take a chance on characters and story lines that are new and different. I realize that the space marine thing was once new and different, but its not anymore it's tripe and stale and we need something new.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The random awsome

This is an awesome video

I think Gundam represents everything that is good and bad with anime. Awsome concept, visuals and themes. Horrible characters and character development, overly convoluted plots and lame plot twists.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

I didn't know we had it so hard...

When I saw this bit it made me laugh. I thought those "guys" deserved all the ribbing they got. Where does this happen?! Where in America is it socially unacceptable for men to "gather," what bunch of dudes have confabs about their feelings? It wasn't until the SuperBowl, with all the "sack-up," "reattach your shlong," "cars is all we have left," focused advertising that I thought there was some movement to disenfranchise men. I'd be curious as to what those dudes really do when the camera isn't on. The probably told the strippers not to show up that day...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Episode 5, come late, leave early

Stuff we said
Stuff we did
Stuff we said and did