
Thursday, June 24, 2010

i need a new keyboard

Dreamworks movies are things that I just cannot stand. It's not the toilet humor that I hate. It's the one dimensional charters and plot lines that are constantly breaking the 4th wall. They all run like 2 hour episodes of "Family Guy" trying to hard to be funny, edgy, and phunny. It is incredible aggravating. I still need to see "How to train your Dragon" because EVERYONE has recommended it to me, I'll try to keep an open mind but their track record doesn't fill me with confidence.

1 comment:

  1. You have not even seen Kung-Fu Panda. And even Shreck at its worst was not quite Family Guy. Plus if your going off of the Ice Age franchise, then you kind of have to give them infant cred for even trying to compete with Pixar. I think they are developing and getting better. Was going to say excited for Despicable Me, but its actually not Dreamworks.
