
Monday, August 30, 2010

Vigilant, Stalker

Progress. The Vigilant is primed and the Stalker awaits it. Received another arm in the mail again actually. So what do you guys think what colors should I slap on these guys any suggestions?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vigilant Project, and Current Army

Well here is the Vigilant unassembled. 14 pieces!!! Thats is more than most heavy jacks. It was super easy to put together I will post pics later of the progress that I have made on him but he sure is an awesome looking model.
Here is my current army. Minus some unpainted stuff and the Warpwolf Stalker I just got. I got the kit with a bad left arm and sent a message to PrivateerPress to get a replacement. 8 days later (they said call if it is not there in 6) I call and they send another one. Next day there is one on my door step. 2 days later there is another. So great response from the customer service team at PP. I will post more soon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Triumph is the culmination of centuries of Cygnaran technological development. Made to the specifications of Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane, Triumph is armed with a massive cannon that can strike enemy warcasters with a sniper’s precision or rain explosive-tipped death down on the heads of opposing infantry and warjacks. Triumph is an artillerist’s dream and a nightmare to Cygnar’s foes.

not to belabor..

Friday, August 20, 2010


Final Fantasy 4 is, in my opinion, not only the best of the entire Final Fantasy Series but #1 on my video game list. While it doesn't really hold up graphically in this day and age there's something about the 2D sprites that I find endearing. There really is NOTHING wrong with this game. The plot is original, the story engaging, the battle system flawless, and the characters have more depth and personality than many present day movie characters, I'm looking at you Sam whitwickiy. I think that modern MMOs developers need to stop and take a look at this game and learn from it, there is som much that is so simple that makes this game great.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Episode 21...wait what? Special episode! Its a vlog!

Uh, this does not have the greatest of audio at times.. due to copious amounts of children present

Monday, August 16, 2010

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

So this is what Kevin was talking about. Fun stuff.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Cassius the Oathkeeper

The enigmatic Circle warlock Cassius the Oathkeeper is bound to serve the ancient Wurmwood, Tree of Fate. Wurmwood passes harsh judgment on all who fall beneath its branches, harvesting their souls to fuel Cassius’ magic. Those who stand against the Circle Orboros face an unpredictable battlefield, as whole forests spring fully-grown from the earth, entrapping enemies within their deadly green depths.

What do you guys think? I play Circle and was excited for a new Warlock but I am not feeling the whole giant dead tree thing. Maybe it will grow on me but we will see.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hakaar the Destroyer

In life, the name of Hakaar the Destroyer was synonymous 
with dealing death. Exalted for his countless mighty deeds, 
this bloody ancestor once more joins his ruthless people on 
the battlefield. A terrifying construct fueled by spectral 
energy, Hakaar wields his twin great swords with terrible
skill, drinking in the life energy of those that fall beneath 
their heavy onyx blades.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010