
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Episode 20; Prop 8, a "timley" discussion.



  1. Lets never talk politics again.

  2. This is really great. : )I don't think its talking about politics at all. I think its about talking about your way of life that you value. We believe marriage to be between one man and one women! We also live in a country that provides us certain liberties if we are "righteous" and when we don't care or its unimportant to us those liberties can be taken from us. The church has encouraged us all to be involved in our homes, communities and countries. Without taking your agency to do so or decide for yourself what is right. You don't have to watch the news to figure out what Prop 8 is ....Google it. I think its a valid question to ask....How do I respond to people who think otherwise? Not just other people, but friends and family members.....people we care about.
