
Friday, August 13, 2010

Cassius the Oathkeeper

The enigmatic Circle warlock Cassius the Oathkeeper is bound to serve the ancient Wurmwood, Tree of Fate. Wurmwood passes harsh judgment on all who fall beneath its branches, harvesting their souls to fuel Cassius’ magic. Those who stand against the Circle Orboros face an unpredictable battlefield, as whole forests spring fully-grown from the earth, entrapping enemies within their deadly green depths.

What do you guys think? I play Circle and was excited for a new Warlock but I am not feeling the whole giant dead tree thing. Maybe it will grow on me but we will see.


  1. Is that an attempt at a lame pun? A dead tree that will 'grow' on you? Some of the characters that are created are cool and some make you do a double take.

  2. You caught that huh. Well I will have to see the rules for him to see if he will be any fun to play or fit my play style.
