
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why were they so good.

So recently I was able to acquire an XBox 360 for super cheap because the previous owner thought it was broken. I fixed the disc drive and it now works fine. I have recently had the privilege of playing through Halo 3, Halo 3: OBST and the new Halo Reach (which is incredible by the way). These games are incredible, the story is awesome the music is stellar and the game play is fast and fun.

I was able to borrow Halo 3 from a friend at his insisting that I play the game. At first Halo 3 intrigued me because of the music in the game, it would build up to a crescendo at pivotal points in the game that added so much to the experience. I was then captivated by the story that was bringing the trilogy to a close. As Master Chief I had the sensation that my action were actually impacting the people and the world around me. I was sent on missions to activate weapon systems and to make safe landing zones. These were some of the few missions but they were part of a grander cinematic experience. Russell and I played some of the levels on co-op and teamed up to take out a huge Scarab (walking tank that is freaking huge). 

Halo 3: ODST (Orbital drop shock trooper) was a fun side story to Halo 3 that involved voice acting from Nathan Fillion. This was a different experience but was just as fun as the previous game I experienced. Again I was sucked in by the whole experience and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Halo Reach was an epic prequel to the whole Halo experience with on of the best campaigns I have ever played.

There are some interesting differences in this game compared to others that I still enjoy. There are no boss battles at all. There are no hit this boss here and repeat 3 times in order to kill him. There was story background every where in the game from hidden terminals or communication files between other NPCs in the game that really made the world come to life. There are many more difference but I hope you all get to experience it for yourselves.

I was wondering what are your guy's favorite games and why? How do they compare to todays games and do they still hold up?

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