
Thursday, January 10, 2013

FPS legacy

Well I hope the silence means that everyone is to busy enjoying ponies to post to the blog. If that is the case I suppose it's up to me carry on.

 3 years before Halo turned the FPS word on it's tea-bagging head there was a little game that came out that paved the way. That game was Half Life. Up to this point very little had been done with the FPS since the days of Doom or Castle Wolfenstein. It was in the beginning of my sophomore year that me and a classmate were in charge of the High school computer lab. One day a shipment of software came in from Sierra, the company that created the "Dr. Brain" series. With a name like "Half-Life" I'm sure that someone thought It was some kind of educational chemistry game.

 The game it self is a blast to play, puzzle solving, and exploration are it's main staples but there are firefights and boss encounters as well. The best thing about the game is the atmosphere, play this game at night in the dark with your headphones, you won't regret it.


  1. I played the first half-life(cheated) but it was a fun game. Even though my upgraded health and vast supply of weapons made me virtually invincible, the fact that this game induced real heart stopping fear is what puts this in MY replay box.

  2. I never got to play half life my self. My first real FPS was Goldeneye and Unreal Tournament. This were fun games. I have really take. A liking to Halo and as much as I don't like 343i , the people in charge of Halo now, the universe is great.
