
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Short Story Contest

It's been a long time since I have been on this site, thanks Kevin for trying to keep it alive. In my attempt to help I'm starting this contest. Lets each post a small part of an original short story. We will then select the best and continue building the story. So lets say post your short by Feb 1st and we will go from there.


  1. "It's a wasteland." She practically whispered it.

    And she was right, as far as we could see there was little hope of finding survivors. Buildings were toppling, vehicles were bent and twisted, hardly recognizable. The streets were rubble, mere piles of concrete and asphalt, resembling nothing of the order they once conducted. And the smell, a caustic mix of waning fires and chemicals. The smoke looked like fog, shrouding the tall buildings in an eerie blanket, it was so thick, looking impossible to navigate and keep ones bearings.

    "How are we going to stop him?" This time she was just above a whisper.

    "I'm not sure," I answered honestly. The S.W.O.R.D in my hand now seemed so insignificant to this threat. Wasn't it only a few days ago I felt unstoppable, felt.. powerful? We were't trained for this, the reality began to set in, this was way beyond our scope of comprehension. And with Thom gone..

    I gathered myself quickly at the thought of him;
    "Look, we just need to make it to Aburey St., we can stay low enough, if he comes back, we'll know.. he's kinda hard to miss."

    That got a slight smile, enough to bolster my spirits enough to believe what I just said.

    "Krista isn't coming back is she?" That was not a whisper.

    "No, but I think, well, that's for the b.."

    "Don't" She cut me off.

    I looked at her, her eyes betraying the stoic face she had put on. I just nodded, and looked towards the scorched horizon. We needed shelter and food. We could do this, it was time to move. I slid my S.W.O.R.D. into my pocket, checked to be sure she understood we were going, and headed into the smoke.

  2. So turns out my story is too long, can only be 4,000 or some odd characters so I will figure out where to put the file, or I can e-mail it as well.

  3. so i dunno how to post anymore will who every is changing the blog stuff please stop making things complicated for us computer impaired


