
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shower Thoughts

Pet Peeves. We all have them. I simply can't stand people who drive through parking lots without following the markings on the pavement. When you see cars zooming through empty parking spaces just to beat you to the exit of the lot I silently hope that a meteor falls out of the sky and lands right in front of them. Also, the lots with directional arrows are great as long as they are followed. I love it when, searching for a space, you find one close to the entrance and some yeahoo spots it also. You are driving the right direction and he whips around and comes the wrong way and steals it. However, because he is going against the flow he as to perform an eighteen point turn, because it never fails that he is in a dually or pulling a trailer. Then not only do you have to find another place but you have to wait for this guy to pull in. I hope none of the listeners or readers are guilty of this peeve of mine. Just something I was thinking as I was scrubbing my toes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vigilant WIP

So here is what I have done so far. I am going to try the two tone paint scheme and see how it goes. I only have base colors down so I still have a ways to go, I am going to try my first attempt at battle damage on this model. Wish me luck. (WIP= work in progress)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Star Trek

Barry mentioned this a few times but I suppose it's time I explained why I really didn't like the new Star Trek movie. It's because IT ISN'T STAR TREK. if it had been "Sci Fi movie" or "Red Mater" or some other title it would have been fine. It's decent movie, but it's not a Star Trek movie.

Star Trek is has been and is more than action scenes and space ship battles, yes those things are there but there is much more going on behind them than the actual action. Much like the light-saber duel of Return of the Jedi verses the Duel in The Phantom Menace.

There is just no underlying theme or tone to the new Star Trek. If you really want to see what I'm talking about watch from the original series "The City on the Edge of Forever" or "Balance of Power" from TNG "The inner Light" "The best of both worlds" and "All good things..." this is what Star Trek is about, not mindless action scenes that server no purpose other than to get money from an audience.

That is why it was called "Star Trek" because it's well know, because it would make money, there was no other reason. It's the same problem that the TNG movies have, they are decent sci fi action movies, but they are not Star Trek.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shower Thoughts

This is just as it sounds. These are the thoughts that I've had in the shower. The first is this: Why aren't there lights in shower stalls? This actually is a big thing for me. I can't stand that my showering experience is so dark. Most bathrooms just have a single vanity light and none of the light makes it to the shower. Add a shower curtain and it's like trying to get clean with your eyes closed. Thinking back to the mission I don't recall a single light fixture in any of the apartments that I stayed in. I wonder why bathrooms are constructed this way. Think about it the next time you are getting close to your loofah.

Thursday, September 2, 2010