
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shower Thoughts

Pet Peeves. We all have them. I simply can't stand people who drive through parking lots without following the markings on the pavement. When you see cars zooming through empty parking spaces just to beat you to the exit of the lot I silently hope that a meteor falls out of the sky and lands right in front of them. Also, the lots with directional arrows are great as long as they are followed. I love it when, searching for a space, you find one close to the entrance and some yeahoo spots it also. You are driving the right direction and he whips around and comes the wrong way and steals it. However, because he is going against the flow he as to perform an eighteen point turn, because it never fails that he is in a dually or pulling a trailer. Then not only do you have to find another place but you have to wait for this guy to pull in. I hope none of the listeners or readers are guilty of this peeve of mine. Just something I was thinking as I was scrubbing my toes.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a huge problem in most parking areas. I have been lucky enough to avoid injury, however in the Lowe's parking lot I have almost been hit numerous times because people do not know how to follow directions. One girl failed to stop at a STOP and i was entering the lot was forced to slam my breaks as she came screaming across my path. i was then verbally assaulted and flipped off. I laughed in my head, but some peoples kids really.
