
Thursday, September 2, 2010

I fought for you, and id do it again.

this got sent to mom.


  1. Serious question. why havnt any of us joined the military

  2. This is a true story.
    After graduation I was working for Dad and was bored (no offense Dad). I have always been drawn to the idea of flight and decided i was going to go enroll in the Air Force. This was a year before I had planned on serving a mission. I sat down and spoke with the recruiter ready to sign papers. I asked if I could do a year of boot camp and then serve a religious mission and return to the service. Others were able to do the same. I think one of our cousins did actually. He told me no that I would be committed for 6 years and after that I could serve my religious time. I thanked him for his time and went back to work for Dad.

  3. I really wish I had taken a video camera and gone over to Grandpa's house and asked him about his service. I stand in awe of the service that he and others gave.
