
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Video games as art

The Civilization series is one that i have loved for a long time, we're talking back when it was still an extremely complicated board game. Me, Tanner, Brain and Mr. Burrows, my high school Spanish teachers husband, spend many long weekends playing it. Unlike Star craft I was pretty good at Civ and was stoked when it came out on PC. While I haven't played Civ 5 the above trailer is a beautiful piece that, in my opinion, easily qualifies as art. And as a small first step to that end, the song which playes over the video won a 2011 Grammy. It's things like this that can lead gaming to a great position in our culture, things like this need to be held up as shining examples of what the industry can do.

While I love the above video this one which puts English lyrics to the music is pretty good too.

1 comment:

  1. The above video is of an amazing quality that cannot be denied. The only exposure to the Civilization franchise was in the Civ 5 demo, I downloaded off of Steam. The cinematics are amazing and it seems like every little thing you do can effect the out come of the game. For me the turn based style was very very slow and I lost interest very quick. This does not mean its not a good game by any means just not my style of game.
