
Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keep it going!

Something was wrong, very wrong. Lex was on the ground face first in a puddle of thick liquid that smelled rancid. He tried to rise but his head was spinning. There was noise everywhere and he smelled smoke and couldn't see very far in front of him as the room spun into focus. His hand went to his head and he felt the liquid oozing from his scalp. His blood ran from a slice across his head to his chest now. He staggered to his feet when he heard a familiar voice.
     "There you are!" A glutenous voice bellowed has the figure crashed through the already broken door frame. "No escape this time thief." The man raised an ax above his head ready to cleave Lex in half. Automatically Lex went into motion. He moved his hand to his hip reaching for his every ready....................

Extreme Titan Gladiator

New from Privateer Press

Here is a comparison to the original

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Products on the Horizon

My wallet hates me. There are many things that are now vying for my disposable income. Star Craft II is just around the corner on the 27th, $59 (ouch). The Warpwolf Stalker has been out for some weeks and the Faction deck is also on the shelf right now and the new light jack the Vigilant is released on the 28th. So much I want to buy but I cannot decide. So I am going to buy all of it. With a few trick I have learned over the years I am going to turn some Stereo equipment i have laying around into liquid that will get me the cash I need quick. So now I only need to find some one to buy the stuff.

Well anyway what things are you guys looking forward to buying soon? Weather you really need it or not?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

work in progress

I still feel that Avatar gets a solid 90/100 on my awesome list, but here are a few things that I don't like about the series.

Fist of all I don't believe that after 100 years of war the fire nation hasn't already taken over the world.

Secondly, some times the "message of the week" is telegraphed so badly that it ruins everything, for example "The Island of Kiyoshi" had much more potential than a "sexism is bad" theme. And the "don't rely to much on fourtian tellers" from "Aunt Woo" was just bad.

Themes really need to take a more less-is-more approach whereas subtlety is more-is-more.

Lastly and this one really bugs me, Sokkas sexism fells terribly out of character, he is a fine tactician and scientist, plus the whole reason he is at the south pole us because his grandmother wouldn't stand for the sexist ways of the north pole.


Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday was just as boring as ever at work. There was so much to do after coming back from vacation that I didn't even know where to start. There was however a silver lining on this dismal Monday. Erin and I were going to go watch Inception. I purposefully stayed away from internet reviews about this movie because I wanted to go in with an open mind and an empty bladder. I emptied my bladder before the movie and Erin and I st down to an empty theater and sat back to enjoy the movie........

And we did. And let me tell you again, we enjoyed that movie. Th plot was fascinating and the characters were interesting not all of them were very deep but the were interesting and they made up a great team. I am not going to add in any spoilers for those that are going to go watch the film but I will highly recommend watching this before it leave theaters. This is one of the best films I have seen all year. I was engrossed in the visuals but also in the possibilities of the "idea". Do yourselves a favor and watch a good film that separates its self from the remakes, superhero, lame hero, Nickelodeon, 80s TV show flops we have been witnessing in recent years. I will save my full review for the cast next week.

4 out of 5 stars! 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Best animated movie?

We all watch them, we all love them we all quote them constantly but which is your favorite? comment or post the movie and why. IGN gave their opinion  feel free to agree or disagree

Thursday, July 8, 2010

work in progress

While traveling to Farmington for the 4th Barry made an interesting statement, it's one that I find myself agreeing with. Avatar: The last airbender is good, really good. He challenged me to find anything that is better, and I can say that I'm stumped. I can find things that beat in superficial ways, or in very narrow criteria. But overall as a whole I can not think of anything that comes close to it.

Very cool pics from phones

So this was taken at scout camp with my lame Samsung Indention, Infection, uh Impression, and I think its pretty cool.
So the article makes a cool point about phones and cameras and I heard a co-worker of mine say "I don't even reach for a camera anymore, just my phone."

Samus vs Masta chief

Honestly who would win? comment on who and why.

Media and Me: Part 1

So as I sit here waiting to go to work and work another evening shift, I am listening to Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the rings play in the background. Logan is asleep in his crib and Golf (our new cat) is using my leg as a scratching post. I was thinking about how spoiled we are to have these three movies in our collection. I am thinking back to movies before the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I cannot remember a trilogy that has engrossed ME so much into a world. I get this feeling of immersion like I could step through my very low definition TV and pick up a sword and fight alongside the fellowship in the Mines of Moria. I can feel what Sam feels as he watches Golum pull Frodo deeper and deeper into the darkness. My hair stands on end during the Ring Wraith chase. I wonder what it feel like to be Arragon and face the countless enemies that stood in their path. Or is it the premise that captivates me? As Boromir said "It is a strange thing to suffer so much fear and doubt for such a small thing."  I think of movies that have come after and I look for that same feeling and I have not had it since. I'm sure there are a lot of things that contribute to the success of these movies but no matter what they are, to ME this trilogy will hold the number one spot of all time on my list of movies.

To Be Continued