
Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday was just as boring as ever at work. There was so much to do after coming back from vacation that I didn't even know where to start. There was however a silver lining on this dismal Monday. Erin and I were going to go watch Inception. I purposefully stayed away from internet reviews about this movie because I wanted to go in with an open mind and an empty bladder. I emptied my bladder before the movie and Erin and I st down to an empty theater and sat back to enjoy the movie........

And we did. And let me tell you again, we enjoyed that movie. Th plot was fascinating and the characters were interesting not all of them were very deep but the were interesting and they made up a great team. I am not going to add in any spoilers for those that are going to go watch the film but I will highly recommend watching this before it leave theaters. This is one of the best films I have seen all year. I was engrossed in the visuals but also in the possibilities of the "idea". Do yourselves a favor and watch a good film that separates its self from the remakes, superhero, lame hero, Nickelodeon, 80s TV show flops we have been witnessing in recent years. I will save my full review for the cast next week.

4 out of 5 stars! 

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