
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Media and Me: Part 1

So as I sit here waiting to go to work and work another evening shift, I am listening to Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the rings play in the background. Logan is asleep in his crib and Golf (our new cat) is using my leg as a scratching post. I was thinking about how spoiled we are to have these three movies in our collection. I am thinking back to movies before the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I cannot remember a trilogy that has engrossed ME so much into a world. I get this feeling of immersion like I could step through my very low definition TV and pick up a sword and fight alongside the fellowship in the Mines of Moria. I can feel what Sam feels as he watches Golum pull Frodo deeper and deeper into the darkness. My hair stands on end during the Ring Wraith chase. I wonder what it feel like to be Arragon and face the countless enemies that stood in their path. Or is it the premise that captivates me? As Boromir said "It is a strange thing to suffer so much fear and doubt for such a small thing."  I think of movies that have come after and I look for that same feeling and I have not had it since. I'm sure there are a lot of things that contribute to the success of these movies but no matter what they are, to ME this trilogy will hold the number one spot of all time on my list of movies.

To Be Continued

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, no cinema experience has come close to hitting all marks. I was going to say the Back to the Future trilogy comes close, you get wrapped up in all its charm and excitement for what it is, and the craft is superb, yet it has surface level emotional struggle, perfect for what it is, cause they are comedies, and they work.
