
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keep it going!

Something was wrong, very wrong. Lex was on the ground face first in a puddle of thick liquid that smelled rancid. He tried to rise but his head was spinning. There was noise everywhere and he smelled smoke and couldn't see very far in front of him as the room spun into focus. His hand went to his head and he felt the liquid oozing from his scalp. His blood ran from a slice across his head to his chest now. He staggered to his feet when he heard a familiar voice.
     "There you are!" A glutenous voice bellowed has the figure crashed through the already broken door frame. "No escape this time thief." The man raised an ax above his head ready to cleave Lex in half. Automatically Lex went into motion. He moved his hand to his hip reaching for his every ready....................


  1. spring-loaded gauntlet. As his fingers laced themselves through the simple leather straps he could feel the resistance of the steel coils as he clenched his fist. Locking tightly with the joint at his elbow the whole motion took less that a second, bringing the mechanism to bear with a satisfying "Click." As the springs set in place the lumbreing ax swing came down. In one deft motion the catch released, and his next movements were a blur. With his reflexes enhanced he caught the ax at the top of the swing, just below the heavy head, yanked it from the brutes grasp, and quickly thrust the butt of the handle between the mans stunned eyes. As he went down in a heap Lex reset the coil with a quick roll of his shoulder and turned toward the door, where he heard more ernest footsteps running his way. Glancing up he saw some sturdy rafters, and finding a suitable target, extended the gauntlet up-words, cocked his hand back and let fly from his wrist a flaxen cord weighted with a specalized brass hook. The cord landed smartly over the beam, and a quick yank set the hook deep in the soft wood. As the cord begin to retract Lex felt a surge of excitment and satisfaction, anticipating the dunbfound look on the guards faces as they would enter an "empty" room. So when the retaction pully suddelny jamed, with his toes dangling inches from the floor, the guards were not surprised to find an empty room so much as a thief hanging like a snared rabbit. The guard paused in the door way only breifly, smug looks lighting upon thier slow faces, spears at the ready.
    "Now gentelmen," Lex began in his most freindly tone. "Im sure this must look rather amusing..."

  2. He knew he need to stall for time as long as possible, he would get maybe a window of 2 seconds before they stuck him like a hanging side of beef.they started talking in a language foreign to him,"ok that time just split in half" he said to him self knowing they weren't gonna waste much time with someone they cant communicate with.they started to walk forward. Alex slowly reached into a pouch behind his back with his free hand, finding the item he was looking for brought a quick smirk to his face making the guards pause in confusion, this bought him the time he needed. He played it out in his head, it seemed like it just might work, he threw his flash pellet to the ground immediately blinding the guards, in the same motion he reached for his dagger. flipping a small switch on the handle caused it to separate at an axis in the middle along with the blade turning the dagger into a pair of sheers, cutting the flaxen cord took a bit longer then expected, he saw the spear head coming and quick just as it reached his face he fell to the ground free from the cord and bleeding from where the blade of the spear sliced just below his eye. he was free angry and was ready with weapon in hand............
