
Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here!!

heres my wish list

1. assassins creed: brotherhood
2.fable 3
3.halo reach
4.zen magnets maxx gift card
6. .45 acp rounds

i think thats it for this year

Friday, December 10, 2010

So fast and so slow..

So 2010, up, down, both? yep. What has yours been like?
Here's what the world was most interested in.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why were they so good.

So recently I was able to acquire an XBox 360 for super cheap because the previous owner thought it was broken. I fixed the disc drive and it now works fine. I have recently had the privilege of playing through Halo 3, Halo 3: OBST and the new Halo Reach (which is incredible by the way). These games are incredible, the story is awesome the music is stellar and the game play is fast and fun.

I was able to borrow Halo 3 from a friend at his insisting that I play the game. At first Halo 3 intrigued me because of the music in the game, it would build up to a crescendo at pivotal points in the game that added so much to the experience. I was then captivated by the story that was bringing the trilogy to a close. As Master Chief I had the sensation that my action were actually impacting the people and the world around me. I was sent on missions to activate weapon systems and to make safe landing zones. These were some of the few missions but they were part of a grander cinematic experience. Russell and I played some of the levels on co-op and teamed up to take out a huge Scarab (walking tank that is freaking huge). 

Halo 3: ODST (Orbital drop shock trooper) was a fun side story to Halo 3 that involved voice acting from Nathan Fillion. This was a different experience but was just as fun as the previous game I experienced. Again I was sucked in by the whole experience and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Halo Reach was an epic prequel to the whole Halo experience with on of the best campaigns I have ever played.

There are some interesting differences in this game compared to others that I still enjoy. There are no boss battles at all. There are no hit this boss here and repeat 3 times in order to kill him. There was story background every where in the game from hidden terminals or communication files between other NPCs in the game that really made the world come to life. There are many more difference but I hope you all get to experience it for yourselves.

I was wondering what are your guy's favorite games and why? How do they compare to todays games and do they still hold up?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wow.. I think we may have had this..

Episode 26: Raw

Audio editor tanked, looking for new, this is a raw audio file.
And here is some Muse for ya..


Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The college experience

Did any of us ever have the traditional college experience? I was thinking about my time in college and compared it to the idea of college that is portrayed in TV and movies. Now I don't mean girls, alcohol, or skipping class, what I mean is leaving home, being on our own, attending classes, doing laundry in a mat, or being part of school organizations.
My college experience lasted one semester. I went to EAC for a semester right after high school. I went to play football and be a mighty gila monster but it didn't pan out. I wish it would have, I was pretty immature and looking back I wish I could have played. I attended classes about 80% of the time and went to institute also. Grades weren't the best but I didn't fail any classes. Really I was just pretty immature.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shower Thoughts

Pet Peeves. We all have them. I simply can't stand people who drive through parking lots without following the markings on the pavement. When you see cars zooming through empty parking spaces just to beat you to the exit of the lot I silently hope that a meteor falls out of the sky and lands right in front of them. Also, the lots with directional arrows are great as long as they are followed. I love it when, searching for a space, you find one close to the entrance and some yeahoo spots it also. You are driving the right direction and he whips around and comes the wrong way and steals it. However, because he is going against the flow he as to perform an eighteen point turn, because it never fails that he is in a dually or pulling a trailer. Then not only do you have to find another place but you have to wait for this guy to pull in. I hope none of the listeners or readers are guilty of this peeve of mine. Just something I was thinking as I was scrubbing my toes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vigilant WIP

So here is what I have done so far. I am going to try the two tone paint scheme and see how it goes. I only have base colors down so I still have a ways to go, I am going to try my first attempt at battle damage on this model. Wish me luck. (WIP= work in progress)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Star Trek

Barry mentioned this a few times but I suppose it's time I explained why I really didn't like the new Star Trek movie. It's because IT ISN'T STAR TREK. if it had been "Sci Fi movie" or "Red Mater" or some other title it would have been fine. It's decent movie, but it's not a Star Trek movie.

Star Trek is has been and is more than action scenes and space ship battles, yes those things are there but there is much more going on behind them than the actual action. Much like the light-saber duel of Return of the Jedi verses the Duel in The Phantom Menace.

There is just no underlying theme or tone to the new Star Trek. If you really want to see what I'm talking about watch from the original series "The City on the Edge of Forever" or "Balance of Power" from TNG "The inner Light" "The best of both worlds" and "All good things..." this is what Star Trek is about, not mindless action scenes that server no purpose other than to get money from an audience.

That is why it was called "Star Trek" because it's well know, because it would make money, there was no other reason. It's the same problem that the TNG movies have, they are decent sci fi action movies, but they are not Star Trek.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shower Thoughts

This is just as it sounds. These are the thoughts that I've had in the shower. The first is this: Why aren't there lights in shower stalls? This actually is a big thing for me. I can't stand that my showering experience is so dark. Most bathrooms just have a single vanity light and none of the light makes it to the shower. Add a shower curtain and it's like trying to get clean with your eyes closed. Thinking back to the mission I don't recall a single light fixture in any of the apartments that I stayed in. I wonder why bathrooms are constructed this way. Think about it the next time you are getting close to your loofah.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Vigilant, Stalker

Progress. The Vigilant is primed and the Stalker awaits it. Received another arm in the mail again actually. So what do you guys think what colors should I slap on these guys any suggestions?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vigilant Project, and Current Army

Well here is the Vigilant unassembled. 14 pieces!!! Thats is more than most heavy jacks. It was super easy to put together I will post pics later of the progress that I have made on him but he sure is an awesome looking model.
Here is my current army. Minus some unpainted stuff and the Warpwolf Stalker I just got. I got the kit with a bad left arm and sent a message to PrivateerPress to get a replacement. 8 days later (they said call if it is not there in 6) I call and they send another one. Next day there is one on my door step. 2 days later there is another. So great response from the customer service team at PP. I will post more soon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Triumph is the culmination of centuries of Cygnaran technological development. Made to the specifications of Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane, Triumph is armed with a massive cannon that can strike enemy warcasters with a sniper’s precision or rain explosive-tipped death down on the heads of opposing infantry and warjacks. Triumph is an artillerist’s dream and a nightmare to Cygnar’s foes.

not to belabor..

Friday, August 20, 2010


Final Fantasy 4 is, in my opinion, not only the best of the entire Final Fantasy Series but #1 on my video game list. While it doesn't really hold up graphically in this day and age there's something about the 2D sprites that I find endearing. There really is NOTHING wrong with this game. The plot is original, the story engaging, the battle system flawless, and the characters have more depth and personality than many present day movie characters, I'm looking at you Sam whitwickiy. I think that modern MMOs developers need to stop and take a look at this game and learn from it, there is som much that is so simple that makes this game great.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Episode 21...wait what? Special episode! Its a vlog!

Uh, this does not have the greatest of audio at times.. due to copious amounts of children present

Monday, August 16, 2010

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

So this is what Kevin was talking about. Fun stuff.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Cassius the Oathkeeper

The enigmatic Circle warlock Cassius the Oathkeeper is bound to serve the ancient Wurmwood, Tree of Fate. Wurmwood passes harsh judgment on all who fall beneath its branches, harvesting their souls to fuel Cassius’ magic. Those who stand against the Circle Orboros face an unpredictable battlefield, as whole forests spring fully-grown from the earth, entrapping enemies within their deadly green depths.

What do you guys think? I play Circle and was excited for a new Warlock but I am not feeling the whole giant dead tree thing. Maybe it will grow on me but we will see.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hakaar the Destroyer

In life, the name of Hakaar the Destroyer was synonymous 
with dealing death. Exalted for his countless mighty deeds, 
this bloody ancestor once more joins his ruthless people on 
the battlefield. A terrifying construct fueled by spectral 
energy, Hakaar wields his twin great swords with terrible
skill, drinking in the life energy of those that fall beneath 
their heavy onyx blades.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Keep it going!

Something was wrong, very wrong. Lex was on the ground face first in a puddle of thick liquid that smelled rancid. He tried to rise but his head was spinning. There was noise everywhere and he smelled smoke and couldn't see very far in front of him as the room spun into focus. His hand went to his head and he felt the liquid oozing from his scalp. His blood ran from a slice across his head to his chest now. He staggered to his feet when he heard a familiar voice.
     "There you are!" A glutenous voice bellowed has the figure crashed through the already broken door frame. "No escape this time thief." The man raised an ax above his head ready to cleave Lex in half. Automatically Lex went into motion. He moved his hand to his hip reaching for his every ready....................

Extreme Titan Gladiator

New from Privateer Press

Here is a comparison to the original

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Products on the Horizon

My wallet hates me. There are many things that are now vying for my disposable income. Star Craft II is just around the corner on the 27th, $59 (ouch). The Warpwolf Stalker has been out for some weeks and the Faction deck is also on the shelf right now and the new light jack the Vigilant is released on the 28th. So much I want to buy but I cannot decide. So I am going to buy all of it. With a few trick I have learned over the years I am going to turn some Stereo equipment i have laying around into liquid that will get me the cash I need quick. So now I only need to find some one to buy the stuff.

Well anyway what things are you guys looking forward to buying soon? Weather you really need it or not?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

work in progress

I still feel that Avatar gets a solid 90/100 on my awesome list, but here are a few things that I don't like about the series.

Fist of all I don't believe that after 100 years of war the fire nation hasn't already taken over the world.

Secondly, some times the "message of the week" is telegraphed so badly that it ruins everything, for example "The Island of Kiyoshi" had much more potential than a "sexism is bad" theme. And the "don't rely to much on fourtian tellers" from "Aunt Woo" was just bad.

Themes really need to take a more less-is-more approach whereas subtlety is more-is-more.

Lastly and this one really bugs me, Sokkas sexism fells terribly out of character, he is a fine tactician and scientist, plus the whole reason he is at the south pole us because his grandmother wouldn't stand for the sexist ways of the north pole.


Monday, July 19, 2010


Monday was just as boring as ever at work. There was so much to do after coming back from vacation that I didn't even know where to start. There was however a silver lining on this dismal Monday. Erin and I were going to go watch Inception. I purposefully stayed away from internet reviews about this movie because I wanted to go in with an open mind and an empty bladder. I emptied my bladder before the movie and Erin and I st down to an empty theater and sat back to enjoy the movie........

And we did. And let me tell you again, we enjoyed that movie. Th plot was fascinating and the characters were interesting not all of them were very deep but the were interesting and they made up a great team. I am not going to add in any spoilers for those that are going to go watch the film but I will highly recommend watching this before it leave theaters. This is one of the best films I have seen all year. I was engrossed in the visuals but also in the possibilities of the "idea". Do yourselves a favor and watch a good film that separates its self from the remakes, superhero, lame hero, Nickelodeon, 80s TV show flops we have been witnessing in recent years. I will save my full review for the cast next week.

4 out of 5 stars! 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Best animated movie?

We all watch them, we all love them we all quote them constantly but which is your favorite? comment or post the movie and why. IGN gave their opinion  feel free to agree or disagree

Thursday, July 8, 2010

work in progress

While traveling to Farmington for the 4th Barry made an interesting statement, it's one that I find myself agreeing with. Avatar: The last airbender is good, really good. He challenged me to find anything that is better, and I can say that I'm stumped. I can find things that beat in superficial ways, or in very narrow criteria. But overall as a whole I can not think of anything that comes close to it.

Very cool pics from phones

So this was taken at scout camp with my lame Samsung Indention, Infection, uh Impression, and I think its pretty cool.
So the article makes a cool point about phones and cameras and I heard a co-worker of mine say "I don't even reach for a camera anymore, just my phone."

Samus vs Masta chief

Honestly who would win? comment on who and why.

Media and Me: Part 1

So as I sit here waiting to go to work and work another evening shift, I am listening to Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the rings play in the background. Logan is asleep in his crib and Golf (our new cat) is using my leg as a scratching post. I was thinking about how spoiled we are to have these three movies in our collection. I am thinking back to movies before the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I cannot remember a trilogy that has engrossed ME so much into a world. I get this feeling of immersion like I could step through my very low definition TV and pick up a sword and fight alongside the fellowship in the Mines of Moria. I can feel what Sam feels as he watches Golum pull Frodo deeper and deeper into the darkness. My hair stands on end during the Ring Wraith chase. I wonder what it feel like to be Arragon and face the countless enemies that stood in their path. Or is it the premise that captivates me? As Boromir said "It is a strange thing to suffer so much fear and doubt for such a small thing."  I think of movies that have come after and I look for that same feeling and I have not had it since. I'm sure there are a lot of things that contribute to the success of these movies but no matter what they are, to ME this trilogy will hold the number one spot of all time on my list of movies.

To Be Continued

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Episode 18 Redux


i need a new keyboard

Dreamworks movies are things that I just cannot stand. It's not the toilet humor that I hate. It's the one dimensional charters and plot lines that are constantly breaking the 4th wall. They all run like 2 hour episodes of "Family Guy" trying to hard to be funny, edgy, and phunny. It is incredible aggravating. I still need to see "How to train your Dragon" because EVERYONE has recommended it to me, I'll try to keep an open mind but their track record doesn't fill me with confidence.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Episode 18 did not record...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Cake is a lie...

Kevin probably beat this along time ago, but I'm posting proof.
Not since Myst has a game been this fun.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Azureus Rising - Proof of Concept

Awesome video I came across on Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yes Please

Wow havent been this excited for a Spider Man game in a while.

Russell's last post comes true

Let the DOOM begin!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ahh the good old days

By far the coolest tmnt pic ive ever seen. The coolest thing about this picture is the imagination it fires up of epic battles the the turtles could have fighting enemies ranging anywhere from the foot to the shredder and his mystic ninja elite. I think there is still alot of untapped potential in the Ninja turtle world. The relationships between the turtles alone could give way to some pretty cool stories, Raph and Leo's constant strugle to get along i think is a huge example of this. In every tmnt movie the team finds its self dealing with being a memeber short after an arguement Leo and Raph have, from Raph being beat to almost death to getting captured by Shredder and the foot. Even in the latest animated movie Raph addopts a secret idenity and continues to fight crime in New York after Leo leaves to travel the world to continue his taining. A sub plot brought on and eventually identified when the two fight to settle their differences. All just jumbled mess from my mind, I still belive there are untold stories of the turtles.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This weeks contest

So now we have a theme song (Welcome Home - Coheed & Cambria). Now we need a logo. This would be the kind of logo that would appear on coverart. Two guidelines: Must include a representation of each of the five of us. Must include an all inclusive representation of the five of us as a whole. Think of our interests, talents, and hobbies. Think of this as the crest that would hang over the entrance of our castles. Good luck.

California Love

This is stout grove in northern California near Cresent City. theses trees are properly refered to as "The Giants"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Episode 15.....


My Contest Entry

This is the stadium where the Gators play. For me this was the coolest place we visited.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Que Vista!

Who went to the most awesome place on their mission? Post a link to a picture from any landmark/destination/country-side-landscape that you remember. Preferably a place you actually visited, but does not have to be.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 27th episode

For this episode I thought it would be cool if we all read a book and then talked about it on the cast. The book is called The Hunger Games. There is a link to but I'm sure for the Farmington residents we can find it at Hastings. The Gallup contingent can probably pick it up at Walden's. There are only nine days until the date so if you have a tendency to read slow you better get on it. I think this will be a really good episode so let's get on it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Episode 14, The digital Campfire

Week in Review
Lego Contest Winner
Sports Report
Fathers & Sons
Favorite Villains
2 Things you don't know about me

Rocks Rock

havnt seen it but this makes me not want to

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Saw this in my 'Green' class. It looks cool.

Still a WIP

Well here are some WIP pics of my Fire of Salvation but I should keep with my goal and be done by tomorrow. There is a lot of touch up to be done so be nice with your comments.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lego Awsomeness contest

So this weeks contest is as follows, using your net-foo find the coolest pic, video or whatever involving lego in any shape or form, or build one your self and take a pic. The winner will be chosen by me and the will receive an autographed picture of me, not really but i haven't figured out what to award yet.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Episode 12

New Contest!!

You know what to do. winner to be picked next cast.

slow week for posting

Wow seems like no one is posting now, well hope this gets the creative juices flowing again.

It always struck me as a little convenient that Legolas choked at the battle of Helms Deep. It's something that is indicative of bad writing. I mean to have the guy who can hit a moving goblin on a wrog at 500 yards with a bow miss a running goblin with a torch at 50 yards is just too much of a stretch for me. Thankfully there are not many instances of bad writing in LoTR.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My song choices

You're not alone - Saosin

Angels on the moon - Thriving Ivory

The Joker - Steve Miller Band

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Episode 11, Welcome back Russell

Get voting on songs people! And those that didn't submit get it done!

Its finally Tuesday!!!

Too bad I will not be there for the cast. Work and all. But here are my submissions for the two contests.
For our opening song I vote for "Falling for the first time" by the Barenakedladies.
For the Calvin and Hobbs submission I submit.
Mrs. Wormwood: Calvin singing time is almost over.

Heres hoping I get the awesome prizes. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

random awsome

I hope this games doesn't suck. But I know it will, that's why I haven't posted anything about it yet, but after seeing the remix with the G1 soundtrack I just had to.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Kai won't play soccer.

Pay close attention to what happens at 1 minute. I think it's the funniest thing that I've ever seen.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Frank Cho (remember Liberty Meadows)

random awsome

The oldest thing I can hear myself saying is "Back on dial-up". The wonderful thing about technology is that we advance with it so fast, it's also the worst thing. I'm not sure if everyone had a set, but i remember when we had an entire set of encyclopedias, I also remember our first Microsoft "Encarta" disk which made those books worthless. Now we can have any information we want with just a few keystrokes, and it's a shame that almost no one realizes it.

Another Contest

Time to see who can come up with the funniest Calvin
and Hobbes strip. Add your words or what ever to the
strip above. The winner will be picked on the 13th
 of April and another sweet prize will be given. Good luck!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hey everyone (Hosts and listener). We are going to have our first contest! Its the select our Opening Theme Song Contest. So hosts bring your song choice to Tuesdays cast and listeners can put a comment here and we will play the songs and choose our favorite. The winner will receive a very cool prize. Good Luck.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Episode 10! FTW

didn't want to bust your interets bubble during the cast, ssteffes is a friend from work, a cool friend, but not some random person that naturally found us interesting while looking for podcasts about siblings.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

In response

to what jokae said in the last thread

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It finally happened.

So we have discussed the decline of the gaming industry a couple times on the cast and off. We talked about game companies, the consuls and the gamers themselves. We have discussed stereotypes about gamers and how people view them. Well get ready to view them in a whole new light.

If you do not want to read the whole article here is the premise. For about $8 a gamer can log onto and pick a "hot" girl through various reviews and scoring from other gamers; on hotness, flirtatiousness and gamer ability. They then pick the girl they want and can play video games with them on line, they get like 10 min of game time for that price. The "service" supports 4 Xbox 360 games and some basic flash games, like checkers and battle ship.

I guess I bring this up because deep down I want it to be like an April fools joke. This is ridiculous. Is the gamer community that socially inept to have to resort to paying girls to play video games with them to have that experience. So the stereotype continues and when we are asked what our hobbies are, we drop are head and mumble paint-ball instead of what we really like to do.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The random awsome

Writing a story is hard. Writing a good story is almost impossible. Writing characters and the events in their lives in an engaging way then, must be some kind of miracle. They say that the best kind of writing is the kind that can draw an emotional response from the reader. How difficult must it be then, to do the same with movies, and ever harder still to do it on a kids TV show. While attending early morning seminary I was the first to wake up in the morning. Beast-wars was on right before Gargoyles, and I'll admit that while fun I didn't give it the credit that was do to it, until Code of Hero. At this point Dinobot wasn't just a a character in a TV show. Dinobot was a person, he had a personality, he had flaws, he felt anger, loss, remorse. He had a soul. I've never been able to impart that much life to anything.
Opining with Dinobot contemplating suicide for previous actions was not something to take lightly, it wasn't the first time that Dinobot portrayed his honor bound samurai-esq lifestyle, but it was the most extreme and character defining moment of his life. Resolved to correct the mistake and restore his honor he defeats a band of predicons and saves the proto-humans living in the valley they were attacking, alone. Badly damaged and running low on power he faces off against Megatron and with his last ounce of power destroys a golden disk that would have given Megatron the power to change the future and win the Beast-wars. The Maximals arrive and chase Megatron off but it's too late for Dinobot, his last words are haunting, noble, and strangely moving. Honoring their fallen comrade by flying in a missing man formation the Maximals disintegrate his body as his spark joins the matrix. It's still not possible for me to watch this episode without tearing up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Episode 9, and then there were three

Sorry about Aria, (I should have just left)
Michael and Russell "mac'kd" the same girl, I wonder if she got fries with that.
we pretty much just shot the breeze...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

praiseworthy, or of good report

From the director of "The Nightmare Before Christmas," Henry Selick

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The random awsome

Guess this means I used up my post for the week. Orcana of Time routinely makes #1 on lots of peoples top ten lists of favorite video games, and it deserves to be there. Some one once said that stories we tell today will one day become the "Hercules" and "Beowulf" of the future. I can't speak for everyone but it brings a smile to my face to think that 100 years from now 12th grade English students will be reading "The legend of the hero of time" or what ever they are gonna end up calling it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Square Enix has always produced great looking games with dynamic game play that immerses you into the game. They have however always been lacking in the voice over aspect of their game. FF XIII will be epic.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Episode 8, Should have taken that left at Albuquerque

So apparently we should coordinate better
Olymp.. awh who cares
Vide-ro Games

The random awsome

Wakening up the the realization that you are a grown up is a sobering moment in ones existence, I'm told. Looking back I don't feel older or even more mature. Oh and you can add this to your little text thing.

SIME = something in my eye

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Dude's Guide to Chatting

It's official, LOL is for girls, thats right, 14 year old-Twilight Reading-Slumber Party Throwing girls.
Dudes need chat lingo, we don't LOL or have BFF's. If we must text(it is unavoidable) then we need our own testosterone laden lexicon of lingo!
My first submission:
GOL= Guffaw out Loud, when something funny takes you by surprise
MOL= Muttley out Loud, when your scheming or plotting
NOL= Nelson out Loud (not ha ha), when your making fun of someone
PFFT= spitting beverage of choice, possibly through the nose(harder to find a video than I thought)
CKII= Can't Keep It In, or can't hold a straight face (changed video)
B= Bro, instead of BFF

It's a start

GfOL= Gandolfing, laughs merrily kinda like a grandpa laugh
LUB= Laughing Under Breath

The random awsome

More new trilogy hate from me today. What happened to R2 and 3P0 in the new trilogy really makes me mad, 'specially 3PO, if Anikin is building him to help out his mom he is a special kind of stupid. It's a PROTOCOL droid. Something tells me that Mrs. (or is it MS.) Skywalker doesn't take part in any kind of diplomatic relations on Tantooine where she is a SLAVE, so what the crap is she gonna use a protocol droid for? But what happens to R2 is the worst. The guy bears witness to the inside story of the rise of the empire, who the players were, what they did, who was to blame. Instead of giving him an awesome undercover mission to steal info and get it to the beginnings of the rebel alliance, shadow Princess Leia and report to Obi-wan about what she is doing they give him rocket boosters and have him fly around at the end of ep. 3.

No more porn.

So I just read that Apple removed all sexually oriented apps from the app store. The articles that followed were trying to convince us that we are headed to a communist society. The authors were furious that someone else was telling us what type of things we should and should not be allowed to view. I personally applaud Apple and am very impressed that they are taking this stand. We all know that sex sells and for a major company to forgo this area of sales is awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Way to go Apple, I'm very impressed." Thoughts?

Sunday, February 21, 2010